At Development & Training, Inc. we are dedicated to
Advancing your great ideas and making them WORK!
Development & Training, Inc. helps private companies, institutions, and public agencies envision bold concepts, absorb new information, manage change, and strategically move concepts to action.
We cross divides and challenging landscapes to:
- Transform your ideas into reality
- Build a strong, cohesive team
- Ensure that you stand out with superior service to the audiences you care most about, whether they are customers, clients, influencers, policy makers, funders, or grantees.

Betty Emarita, President and Founder of Development and Training, Inc.
Betty specializes in strategic change and ideation. She and her associates help companies surface their best thinking and operationalize it. Certified in Human Systems Dynamics and active in the Polarity Management international learning community, Betty works across sectors and disciplines as a catalyst for synergy.
Her eclectic background includes concept development and policy making, education and curricula design, evaluations, assessments, and training. She frequently is invited to work with high-functioning teams on state, regional, national, and international projects where results must be achieved within specific time frames.
Betty co-developed and wrote a curriculum and award-winning employee training manual for Children’s Hospitals and Clinics; and a Greater Twin Cities United Way funded curricula guide for home visitation to Family, Friend and Neighbor Caregivers made available nationally by United Way of America and the National League of Cities. She lead an initiative and wrote a nationally cited report on best practices among Family, Friend, and Neighbor Caregivers in five cultural communities; developed, with support from the Ford Foundation, a tool for aligning the internal operations of philanthropic institutions to increase effectiveness in reducing social and economic disparities; and co-authored a paper, “Importance of Community Collaboration to Support Sustainable Agriculture” presented at the Salzburg Seminar in Austria.
Betty has served on the boards of the Jesse Smith Noyes Foundation, the Rural Advancement Foundation, and Team Ghana, an organization that has developed a sewing cooperative and provides micro-loans in rural Ghana. She is a member of the National Network of Consultants to Grantmakers and the Start Early Funders Collaborative of Minnesota. She is also an international advisory board member of Rich Learning International and an external adviser to the Blue Cross Blue Shield if Minnesota Family, Friend, and Neighbor Care body of work.
At Development & Training, Inc. our work focuses on
Concept and Policy Development
Example: For Organization Research Services, provided strategic planning and evaluative assistance to a cross sector collaborative in 10 regions of Washington state as they collect local data and develop their own plans to implement aspects of the Washington State Early Learning Plan
Strategic Planning
Example: As consultant to the Annie E. Casey Making Connections initiative, a 10-year investment designed to improve the lives and prospects of children and families in health and economic opportunities, provided strategic planning and technical assistance to grantees in the 10 states involved in the initiative.
Training & Curriculum Design
Example: Designed and delivered a training curriculum for Children’s Hospital new employee’s orientation for its 11 hospitals and clinics. Curriculum focused upon building internal relationships, across tiers, within a highly diverse staff. Linked curriculum with the hospital’s strategic plan, working with a cross functional, internal design team. Trained internal trainers and co-delivered curriculum to more than 360 employees annually.
Evaluation & Assessment
Example: As part of the evaluation team for the Minnesota Dream Fund Initiative, worked with a consortium of 7 foundations and 13 nonprofit organizations in a 3-year project to reduce educational disparities in the Minnesota public schools .
Economic Development
Example: For the Greater Twin Cities United Way, convened, facilitated, and supported a cross sector group of financial institutions, nonprofit organizations, and faith-based institutions in developing a plan to increase the use of mainstream financial services among the unbanked and underbanked in Minneapolis.